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Unlocking the Secret to a Healthy Life


In the pursuit of overall well-being, we often focus on maintaining a balanced diet, staying physically active, and managing stress....
Morning Breath and the Role of Bad Bacteria in Your Mouth


We've all been there - you wake up in the morning, ready to greet the day, but as you open...
Harnessing the Power of Oral Bacteria: Why Eliminating All Bacteria Is Not the Solution


When it comes to oral health, our primary focus often revolves around preventing cavities, gum disease, and achieving a bright...
Unlocking the Secret to a Happy, Healthy, Cavity-Free Mouth with Oral Probiotics


Maintaining good oral health is crucial for our overall well-being. While brushing and flossing are essential for oral hygiene, recent...
Protecting Your Oral Health: Understanding the Vital Role of SLS-Free Toothpaste


Choosing the right toothpaste is essential for maintaining good oral health, but not all toothpaste are created equal. Sodium Lauryl...
Risks and Drawbacks of Using Alcoholic Mouthwashes


Alcohol-based mouthwash has been a popular oral hygiene product for decades. It is marketed to freshen your breath, kill germs,...
Happy Holidays with Happy Health


Happy Holidays with Happy Health It’s that time of year! Christmas is almost upon us which means we get to...
'Luv' your gut


'Luv' Your Gut Did you know bacteria in your gut can weigh up to two kilograms?! Some of us are...
The Oral Microbiome


The Oral Microbiome  The human body consists of a large number of micro-organisms including viruses, bacteria, protozoa, algae and fungi....
All About Oral Balance


All about Balance A good balance makes a happier you Whether it’s work life balance, healthy eating or getting some...